PE, School Sport & Physical Activity (PESSPA)
Vision and Values
To provide opportunities for our children to experience, enjoy and excel in high quality physical education, school sport and physical activity incorporating a diverse range of motivational activities, which offer life-long learning through challenge and competition.
Our approach to physical education, school sport and physical activity must impact positively on: the extent to which our pupils feel connected to the school; the aspirations and wellbeing of our pupils; the extent to which positive social behaviours exist within our school; and the development of leadership and citizenship skills.
We will promote the six School Games values – Passion, Self-Belief, Respect, Honesty, Determination and Teamwork to ensure that our school sport is a rich learning experience for our pupils. We will make sure our pupils are aware of these values and what they mean and why they are important in sport, school and everyday life.
We will use our high quality physical education, sport and healthy active lifestyle provision as a tool that inspires a lifelong love of physical activity and motivates all of our pupils to be the best they can, not only in PE and sport but in all areas of the curriculum and all aspects of life.
Cultural Capital
To find out how more information on how we use our curriculum to enhance the experience and opportunities available to our pupils, please see our cultural capital document.
How is PESSPA taught at Hillmead?
Pupils take part in an average of 2 hours PE each week. Teachers primarily use the Cambridgeshire Sports and Educational Partnership scheme of work and follow the long-term plan outlined below. Games in Key Stage 1 (KS1) focuses on fundamental movement skills, progressing into generic activity areas in Key Stage 2 (KS2) and then a specific activity focus, such as netball, in upper KS2. Staff use the STEP approach to differentiation (space, task, equipment and people). Regularly, we review the plan to ensure we continue to meet the needs of our pupils.
At the end of most units of work, the children get the opportunity to represent their house teams in an intra-school competition, which enables them to apply the skills, knowledge and tactics they have learnt.
We use the concept of Head (Know), Hands (Show) and Heart (Glow) to communicate the end of Key Stage expectations to pupils, to help pupils assess their own learning and aid teachers in their assessment of pupils.
At the end of each unit of work, teachers make a judgement as to whether a pupil has met, exceeded or is working towards the expectations for that unit. Here are examples of the criteria used to assess dance in KS1.
Birchwood Sports Partnership
Hillmead Primary School is a proud and active member of the Birchwood Sports Partnership (BSP). As part of the nationally funded School Games programme, the BSP co-ordinate appropriate competitive opportunities for our pupils at a local or county level, provide CPD opportunities for our staff and support the development of club opportunities in the local area. Currently, the BSP organise three tiers of events.
Year 4 Rapid Fire Cricket Team (December 2022)
You can find more photographs of the competitions and events we have taken part in via our Twitter feed @HillmeadSchool.
School Sports Organising Crew (SSOC)
Our School Sports Organising Crew (SSOC) help to promote our school’s involvement in the School Games and our delivery of 30 active minutes in school each day. Their tasks include organising intra-school competitions for our house teams and writing sports reports to publicise the achievements of our school teams at inter-competitions against other schools.
The crew meets on a regular basis to plan upcoming events. Please look at the school sports board in the main corridor or the intra-competitions board outside the dining hall for more information.
Celebrating Our Pupils' Achievements
Sports Presentation Evening
Every July, we hold the Hillmead Sports Presentation Evening, which is an opportunity for us to review the year’s sporting achievements and celebrate the many successes of the Hillmead teams and individuals. Every child receives a certificate for representing the school and the evening is made all the more special by the inclusion of children demonstrating sports skills. In previous years, this has included dance or gymnastics routines, martial arts displays and tag rugby demonstrations. The evening always finishes with the presentation of trophies, including the Richard Webb Trophy to an individual who has shown great sporting endeavour during PE lessons that year.
Sharing Sporting Achievements in Assemblies
Have you achieved something sport related out of school that you would like to be celebrated? If so, please contact Mr Wisbey (via with details of who you are, what you have achieved, where you achieved it and even a photo if you have one. We'd love to celebrate your sporting achievements in one of our assemblies.