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MFL (French)

At Hillmead, French is taught to all pupils in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. We aim to show progression in listening, speaking, reading and writing.


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 3

Getting to Know You

Greetings, introductions, age, counting to 10.

All About Me

Instructions, parts of the body, colours, clothing.

Food Glorious Food

Food, likes and dislikes, counting, plural nouns.

Family & Friends

Members of the family, pets, features of the home.

Our School

The vocabulary of school places and objects, a PE lesson in French.


Days of the week, months, dates, counting from 11 to 31.

Year 4

All Around Town

Intercultural understanding through French cities.  Places in a town, counting to 100.

On the Move

Conversational skills through transport, direction & movement.  Conjugating verbs.

Gone Shopping

Fruit, vegetables and clothes.  Shopping vocabulary and phrases.

Where in the World?

Vocabulary related to countries, continents and animals.

What’s the Time?

Telling the time, reading timetables and TV schedules.

Holidays and Hobbies

Holidays, weather, seasons, sports and hobbies.

Year 5

Getting to know you

Expressing emotions, talking about the futures, verb tenses.

All about ourselves

Describing appearance, using adjectives.

That’s Tasty

Food and drink, breakfast, sandwich fillings, pizza toppings and snacks.

Family & Friends

Animals, homes, family, using descriptive language.

School Life

School objects, subjects and prepositional language.  2D shapes and school related questions.

Time Travelling

Develop inter-cultural understanding.  Key events in French history and famous French people.  Using the past tense and grammatical terms.

Year 6

Let’s Visit a French Town

Places in a town, directions, homes and numbers.  Using dictionaries.  Word classes and grammatical features.

Let’s Go Shopping

Colours of clothes and prepositional language.  Vocabulary and phrases for shopping.

This is France

French landmarks, France’s neighbours, Paris in detail.


All in a Day

Telling the time, 24 hour time, airport arrival and departure boards, school timetables.